Juventus seeks the support of Adidas to get the return of Pogba

Juventus seeks the support of Adidas to get the return of Pogba

The market of passes in Europe is in constant movement. The groups of the old continent seek to sell and buy soccer players to build the best team facing a season full of sporting challenges.

But what were previously negotiations only between clubs or in their absence with representatives, sports brands begin to have a leading role. Betting to give it an even bigger window than they have and looking for an economic support that they did not have before, the companies receive proposals from clubs to intercede with their players.

Such is the case of Juventus, who according to the Italian media, resorted to Adidas to rehire Paul Pogba. The French midfielder is one of the most coveted in the European summer market, and the possibility of returning to the Italian club may have the German brand as the main protagonist.

Juventus' request to Adidas has as its main axis the fact that the brand dresses the Italian team and is also the technical sponsor of Pogba. Precisely the Frenchman is one of the stars of the German company, given that he is a very extroverted footballer and with a rather young audience.