Basile, Merlo and Pagani presented "Caballeros del Fútbol"

Basile, Merlo and Pagani presented "Caballeros del Fútbol"

In the Balneario 12 of Punta Mogote, Mar del Plata, Alfio "Coco" Basile, Reinaldo "Mostaza" Merlo and Horacio Pagani presented "Caballeros del Fútbol". An App that seeks to demonstrate how much fans know by creating teams and seeking to beat these three referents of football.

Together with Alán López and Carlos Citara (App Developers), Basile; Merlo and Pagani were very happy with this release. In the application, fans not only seek to demonstrate their knowledge but can interact with the referents.

“The Argentine fan knows a lot about football. I do not underestimate anyone. It's nice to compete, we like it and we like to play against people. If they beat me or any of my two companions, they access the ring and become a true Caballero del Fútbol”said Alfio Basile.

Meanwhile, Reinaldo Merlo commented: “Some time ago we met with Coco and Horacio, and Caballeros del Fútbol was put together. We want them to beat us. Whoever succeeds will have great prizes such as dining with us or traveling together”