The brands with which the Argentines of the sub-20 play

The brands with which the Argentines of the sub-20 play

The furor and the expectations that the Argentine sub-20s are causing in each of the cities where they are present, makes the World Cup vibrate in a very particular way. With a full stadium and hundreds of fans coming out of the hotels, those led by Javier Mascherano dream of continuing at a steady pace.


But beyond sports and keeping an eye on Sports Marketing, young Argentines also generate news. In Marca en Zona we review the brands with which they go out to play their matches. Of the 21 summoned by Javier Mascherano, 12 use Adidas and 8 Nike. It should be noted that the only one who does not wear marks on his boots is Federico Redondo, who at the time of his in Argentinos Juniors used the German brand's footwear but since January of this year he switched to this modality.

As for goalkeepers and gloves, there are two brands that prevail among those selected by Mascherano. Federico Gomes Gerth goes in tune with his boots because he uses Adidas and Nicolás Cláa and Lucas Lavagnino wear the Mexican brand Rinat, which is a specialist in this type of special clothing that goalkeepers need.



- Federico Gomes Gerth

- Nicolás Cláa (Rinat Gloves)

- Lucas Lavagnino (Rinat Gloves)

- Lautaro Di Lollo

- Valentin Gomez

- Valentine Boat

-Matthew Tanlongo

- Ignacio Miramon

-Maximo Perrone

- Matías Soulé

- Alejo Veliz

-Brian Aguirre



- Augustine Giay

- Tomas Aviles

-Gino Infantino

- Valentin Carboni

- Roman Vega

-Luka Romero

- Ignacio Master Puch

- Juan Gauto


* Federico Redondo, without sponsor