Series A linked up with We World Onlus to fight gender violence

Series A linked up with We World Onlus to fight gender violence

For the third time, Series A joins We World Onlus to fight gender violence. With the Italian organization that has a presence in 29 countries, the event brings its grain to the campaign by disseminating it worldwide. Players and coaches wore a red mark on the face as part of the action.

Making known that one in three women suffers violence, the protagonists of Series A gave a clear message for everyone. From the hand of the hashtag "#UNROSSOALLAVIOLENZA", the Italian event demonstrates the importance of football for this type of campaigns.

"We are at the forefront of raising public awareness about a dramatic and unacceptable phenomenon. The campaign we conceived three years ago serves precisely to put this type of violence in the spotlight, which makes it impossible to live together. Our message the year Last it reached ten million people, Series A is ready to do its part and for this I thank all the players who will take the field with the mark on their face to give a red card to violence against women, "said the President of the Lega Serie A, Gaetano Micciché.

In addition to having the predisposition of the current members of the Series A teams, during the year We World Onlus joins the retired players Marco Materazzi, Bernardo Corradi, Alessandro Del Piero to be members of the campaign. They are some of the celebrities who star in the spot that circulates on Italian channels as well as on social networks.