DIRECTV launches a reality show to go to Qatar

DIRECTV launches a reality show to go to Qatar

DIRECTV launched its "Direct to Qatar" contest where participants from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay must upload a video of up to 90 seconds showing their communication skills and journalistic work to be one of the ten participants per country that compete in the different stages of selection.


From July 26 to August 20, 10 contestants per country will be chosen. Then, the 60 people who go on to the next stage of the competition will be evaluated based on their ability to create audiovisual content and the essential characteristics of sports journalism. Finally, once the winner of each country has been defined, the grand final will take place in Buenos Aires. A jury, led by Enrique Márquez, will analyze the 6 participants. Whoever achieves the highest score will be the winner and will travel to the World Cup.