Bridgestone will be responsible for the earthquake protection of Tokyo 2020

Bridgestone will be responsible for the earthquake protection of Tokyo 2020

Because of its location in the Pacific fire belt, Japan is one of the countries with the highest seismic index in the continent and has had five major earthquakes in the last 15 years. The last record was on March 11, 2011 with a magnitude of 9.1 (the largest in the history of the country) just 371 kilometers from Tokyo. Just months before the start of one of the most coveted Olympic Games in history, due to its technology and organization, Bridgestone announced that it will be the company in charge of the seismic protection of the Aquatic Center and the Ariake Stadium, through advanced technology to base of bearings.

The Japanese company is proud to provide this type of material for two centers of competitions in which swimming, volleyball and basketball will be played. Seismic isolation bearings are flexible structural supports that isolate a soil structure to help reduce the propagation of seismic shock and decrease the possibility of damage in the event of an earthquake. Bridgestone has been developing and manufacturing this type of technology in Japan since 1984. It is currently used in several facilities in the Asian country, such as the historic Tokyo Station or in the United States, at the Government House in Los Angeles.

"As we prepare to welcome the Olympic and Paralympic Games in our hometown, we are exploring all the opportunities in which our innovative products and solutions can improve and support the way that the athletes and visitors of Tokyo 2020 move, they live, work and entertain themselves, "said Tomohiro Kusano, vice president and general manager responsible for Bridgestone's diversified product solutions business.

Photo: Courtesy