YPF redoubles the bet in Argentine soccer

YPF redoubles the bet in Argentine soccer

YPF redoubled its support to Argentine soccer by accompanying from the same name the first edition of the contest organized by the Superliga Argentina de Fútbol (SAF): the Superliga Cup YPF Infinia. With a total of 49 matches, the grand final will be played on June 2 in Cordoba (single match), the champion will get a spot for the Libertadores, and the runner-up, for the South American. As a result of sustained brand positioning work, the Argentine company together with Turner Internacional Argentina decided to take another step in sports sponsorship to become the main sponsor.

In addition to YPF, Supervielle; McDonalds; Quilmes; Motomel and Orders Already, also joined the screen of TNT SPORTS having presence in all games of the Cup. In the coming days will define the semifinals of the contest that will have the first champion to lift the Superliga Cup YPF Infinia.

Photo: Courtesy