Villarreal consolidates the expansion of its football academies project

Villarreal consolidates the expansion of its football academies project

He does not have the palmares of Atlético de Madrid or Valencia, does not have the budgets of Real Madrid or Barcelona but Villarreal is strong with a philosophy from his bases that gives the world a return. In football, the first team was able to maintain the category in the penultimate date thanks to the efforts of each of its players and the return of one of his prodigal sons such as Santi Cazorla. Regarding the administrative aspect, the Yellow Subamarino has gone unnoticed but during the last seasons it has built a network of football academies around the world. Under the name of "Villarreal Academy", the project looks to the future with the intention of growing as a brand and as a working model.

Just days after the end of the season, Villarreal has 24 academies spread across South Korea (12), the United States (9), Australia (1), China (1) and Japan (1). The yellow club continues working to develop in the future projects in countries such as Canada, Puerto Rico, Panama and El Salvador. "There is an academy in which we only give methodology and tutelage, our coaches go only sporadically, as in the case of the academy in New York, but there are 23 others with our technicians, who travel all over the world. Yellow, the flag is ours and they bear our name, we will reach the six thousand players that follow the league all over the world, we train players and coaches, "explained Vice President José Manuel Llaneza.

Photo: Courtesy