The brands behind the Argentine footballers

The brands behind the Argentine footballers

Twelve years had to wait for the national team to return to the biggest event in women's football. Obtaining its pass in the repechaje before Panama, the directed ones by Carlos Borrello made debut with a tie before Japan (runner-up in 2015), being the first point of Argentina in a World-wide one.

Beyond what happens in the green grass, we analyze the support that the players have on behalf of the brands. With an abysmal difference with what happens with men, Argentine footballers face the World Cup with many of them with contracts with sports companies but many others without this, and having to pay for their own clothing.

Among the twenty-three chosen by Borrello, Nike is the brand that is imposed. With seven players with a contract, the US company is still betting on this branch of football and in Argentina it has made a very important investment. Adriana Sachs, Agustina Barroso, Aldana Cometti, Eliana Stabile, Lorena Benítez, Estefanía Banini, Ruth Bravo, Belén Potassa, Florencia Bonsegundo and Soledad Jaimes are the ones who wear the booties with the "pipa" on the French courts. But it is worth mentioning that other players also wear shoes of the company but without a current contract.

Behind Nike is Adidas. The German brand, which did not design a special title shirt for Argentina as it did with other selections but would make an alternate, is present in the national team by the hand of Vanesa Santana, Mariana Larroquete and Milagros Menéndez. Just the last two, were protagonists of the presentation of the national jacket with part of the male team.

In the case of Under Armor (which arrived in the country sponsoring Estudiantes and Rosario central) has presence with Dalila Ippolito and Vanina Correa. And in the case of Puma, it only has Miriam Mayorga. As we mentioned before, the rest do not appear with current contracts but despite that they use shoes from some of the brands mentioned above.

Finally, a separate paragraph for the archers. The three that are representing Argentina have contracts around the gloves. Vanina Correa (titular goalkeeper and only one with world-wide experience) uses the products of RG Goalkeeper Gloves. For her part Gabriela Gartón sports the Epic Goalkeeping (an American company, where she was born and made a great part of her career). Finally, Solana Pereyra, one of the youngest, is an ambassador for SG Keeper.