The Argentine Soccer Association presents Gatorade as Sponsor of the LPF and the Women's Championship

The Argentine Soccer Association presents Gatorade as Sponsor of the LPF and the Women's Championship

The Argentine Soccer Association and Gatorade have entered into a sponsorship agreement becoming Official Sponsor of the Professional Soccer League and the Women's Championship. This agreement begins the relationship between AFA and Gatorade, expanding the communion that unites Argentine fans with soccer and high performance sports. Hydration is a fundamental factor for sports performance and that is why Gatorade will accompany Argentine soccer players this year in both professional tournaments.


Claudio Tapia, President of AFA, highlighted: “International brands like Gatorade understand and accompany the steps taken in constant professionalization. We welcome you today as the official sponsor of the Argentine Professional Soccer League and the Women's Championship”.

Francisco Mangiarotti, Sr. Director of Marketing for PepsiCo Bebidas in Latin America South, commented: "Gatorade's mission is to help athletes achieve their best performance, which is why we seek to hydrate soccer players wherever they play and contribute with their performance in each challenge of the Professional Soccer League. At PepsiCo, gender equality is a key value for the development of our business and our brands, which is why for years we have set out to support women's soccer to the same extent that we support men's soccer, and this alliance reaffirms our commitment." .


Leandro Petersen, AFA's Marketing and Commercial Manager, added: “Gatorade's accompaniment to both first division leagues is a reflection of a job that is strengthened year after year. Gatorade will be present on all our local soccer fields. The Professional Soccer League and the Women's Championship continue to incorporate top-level sponsors and we are proud to be part of this leap in quality."