The Argentine Football Association presents the "Campeones del Mundo" exhibition

The Argentine Football Association presents the "Campeones del Mundo" exhibition

The exhibition will be held for the only time in Buenos Aires and invites all Argentine fans to live the most emblematic and memorable moments of the World Cups won, through immersive rooms and interactive screens that will allow them to experience the priceless pieces of the exhibition first-hand. It will also feature unpublished videos and films and even the impressive and unforgettable bus that transported the players during the historic celebrations of the last December 20th, 2022.

The 3 World Cups (1978, 1986 and 2022), the Copa America and the Finalissima, and a long list of personal items from the world champion players of all times will be exhibited.

Tickets will be on sale to the public starting Wednesday, February 22 at 10 in the morning, through the virtual ticket office at The exhibition will take place at the La Rural property, in Buenos Aires, starting on Saturday, April 1. There will be limited places per hour of visit to allow each visitor to fully enjoy each moment.

Claudio Tapia, President of AFA, pointed out: "From the first day in charge of the Argentine Football Association we have set ourselves a primary objective, to bring Argentines closer to our national teams and to revalue our legends and former players of the national team. During these years of management, we have revived that strong attachment and identification of our teams with the people and the values that the Argentine national team represents worldwide. The support of our people during the championship and winning the World Cup are unforgettable moments for each of the Argentines, wherever they are. This exhibition that will be inaugurated in April will be entirely dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of that passion of our Argentine fans for the national team. Since the beginning of the year we have made unpublished material available in favor of this innovative proposal that will be enjoyed by the family. This "World Champions" exhibition is a thank you to all the Argentine fans who, with their support, have been part of the indelible history of football and an eternal recognition of our historic world champions who have crowned us with glory."