Sierra de los Padres present at the 15K New Balance Series 2019

Sierra de los Padres present at the 15K New Balance Series 2019

Next Sunday, the Palermo neighborhood will once again be flooded with elite and amateur athletes who will test their physique to achieve their best mark in the 15K New Balance Series. In this new edition, Sierra de los Padres will be present at three hydration points of natural mineral water for thousands of runners. The brand is proud to participate in this race as it transmits the values ​​it has and provides through its products the minerals that runners lose during the tour.

The Sierra de los Padres Natural Mineral Water, comes from a water basin within the mountain range belonging to the tandilia system, one of the oldest folding of the planet, from where it is extracted with all its properties and is packaged directly, without the intervention of chemical processes, differing from the rest of the waters by their purity, rich in minerals, trace elements and other components.

Photo: Courtesy