Rakuten will place 500 robotic mannequins to support his baseball team

Rakuten will place 500 robotic mannequins to support his baseball team

The sports world was no stranger to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Having to stop all their activities, except in some countries, fans from all disciplines had to opt for competition to calm anxiety a bit.

But that light that seemed so far away, begins to get closer. Just in China, the country where this pandemic originated, the baseball league will resume its activity. Without an audience in the stands, not all clubs will feel "alone" because Rakuten will have 500 robotic mannequins in the "Rakuten Monkeys" stadium.

The entity that is owned by the Japanese e-commerce company created this peculiar action. It was announced on the club's social networks, where not only are these new “fans” seen supporting the players, but some of them are wearing masks, giving a clear message of care to Chinese society.