Digital House joins River Plate

Digital House joins River Plate

Inside a club, not everything is football. Most of the sports institutions in our country develop from kindergarten, primary, secondary and in some cases third-party education. Under the “Digital Leaders” program, the River Plate Institute signed an agreement with Digital House for teacher training. This agreement is focused on a training in programming and digital skills for four teachers of the secondary level, who will then transmit the knowledge to the students in different integrating projects with other subjects, training them for the working world.

Stefano Di Carlo (2nd Vice President of River), Gustavo Cascio (President of the Educational Area) and Santiago García (Manager of the Educational Area) were present at the firm. Meanwhile, on the side of Digital House was its COO, Sebastián Mackinlay. Digital House is an educational organization that transforms people's lives, developing digital skills to generate impact on society. With this objective, it offers training under an innovative methodology based on practice.

Photo: Courtesy