Find out what we give up for football Find out what we give up for football

Weddings, funerals, sex, anniversaries, births and even challenges, have been the reasons that respondents have dodged to see a football match live. Just days before the Champions League final, had a fun study together with the Expedia Group on travel trends in football. Fans admit that they have missed anniversaries (9%), weddings (11%) and even funerals (5%) for attending a live match.

The love for football does not stop, Netflix has officially ended for 38% of millennials who admit that they would replace him for watching a football match live. Apparently, millennial football fans will stop at nothing to be there when their team plays, and 70% say they would also stop drinking for a month to watch football.

In the case of Argentina, self-proclaimed by its voters as the most fanatic of the sport according to 85%, some surprising figures are also highlighted: more than 75% of the respondents said that they had organized their vacations based on some sporting event and a 77% came to modify them to watch a football game. Also, at 35% it is enough to have 7 days in advance to organize them and 59% voted that it is important the proximity of the hotel to the football stadium for the reservation.

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