Fox Sports will receive 430 million dollars for advertising in Super Bowl LIV

Fox Sports will receive 430 million dollars for advertising in Super Bowl LIV

The NFL Super Bowl is the most watched sporting event in the United States and with the passage of time it adds more fans worldwide. Fox Sports is the station of the next final, which will be held in Florida and has already managed to sell the 77 advertising spaces available to appear on Sunday, February 2, 2020.

The 54th edition of the final will be at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. The Super Bowl, in addition to being known for its part-time show, is one of the sporting events with the largest television audience worldwide. That is why brands invest millions of dollars in advertising spaces in the transmission. In almost two months, Fox Sports sold all its 30-second spaces at a value of 5.6 million dollars (almost 7% more than in the last edition). For nine years the spots were not sold as far in advance. The last time this happened was for Super Bowl XVL, which sales closed in October 2010.

"We've sold all of our inventory in the Super Bowl game," said Seth Winter, Fox's executive vice president of sports sales. "There are a number of advertisers who couldn't get their places with us because their creativity was not ready or due to certain indecision, "he confessed.

According to Winter, Fox Sports received an investment close to $ 430 million from all brands that will advertise their ads during the Super Bowl LIV broadcast on February 2, 2020.




Photo: Courtesy

Source: La Jugada Financiera