Netflix presented “Apache”, the series inspired by the life of Carlos Tévez

Netflix presented “Apache”, the series inspired by the life of Carlos Tévez

The life of Carlos Tévez comes to the small screen. Reviewing his hard childhood until the debut with the Boca shirt, from August 16 you can see “Apache” on Netflix. With the production of Tournaments and the direction of Israel Adrián Caetano, yesterday the Avant Premiere of the first chapter was held with the relatives of the footballer, part of the professional team of the xeneize team and the actors.

Taking advantage of the "boom" that has generated the series inspired by athletes, celebrities, etc; "Apache" crudely exhibits everything lived by Tévez. With the performance of Balthazar Murillo (Tevez as a child), Sofía Gala (biological mother), Vanesa González (aunt and adoptive mother) and Alberto Ajaka (uncle and adoptive father); In the Avant Premiere the forward said "I want my children to see what I experienced."

The recording of the series was carried out in the same places where Tévez lived. On the courts of Fuerte Apache to Casa Amarilla, the director had the help of the player himself in each of the scenes. Looking to share his experience in the first person, the player knew how to guide the actors who interpret it so that the biopics are even more real.