Budweiser joins the England women's team

Budweiser joins the England women's team

The 2019 World Cup will be historic for football. Growing in audience levels, the contest raises a paradigm shift in the distribution of prizes and for the first time many brands will pay footballers the same as they pay their male peers.

Joining the equal opportunity movement, the women's soccer team has a lot to celebrate, because Budweiser became their new sponsor. Expanding the agreement that has with the FA for the selected English male, "The Lionesses" will represent the country with the support of one of the largest brands in the world.

Paula Lindenberg, president of AB InBev in the United Kingdom and Ireland, mentions in the press release: "We believe that football is more than a game, it is a big part of our culture and one of the best ways to unite the people, that's why Budweiser and football share a natural affinity, we believe that our value matches that of "The Lionesses": we defend passion and ambition, qualities that the English women's team shows every time they step on the pitch " .