Movistar and Nadal revolutionized Spanish Twitter

Movistar and Nadal revolutionized Spanish Twitter

Rafael Nadal is the active tennis player with more followers on Twitter. With more than 15 million followers, each posting that it generates generates an important interaction among its "followers".

Betting on this and looking to gain presence in his social network, Movistar and Nadal generated an action that caught the attention for several hours. By posting an illegible message in your account, Spanish fans suspected an error in posting this. From jokes of the state of drunkenness to "memes" of the same, the publication came to generate 3000 comments; 13 thousand "RT" and 32 thousand "I like it".


After two hours of varied conjectures, the answer of the reason of that comment came when publishing the video of the new campaign of Movistar and Nadal. The brand activated its sponsorship with Spanish, challenging him to write a posting in a very particular way.

Using the hashtag "#SuperarnosParaSerMejores", the Spaniard published: "What makes you better? The daily work, surround yourself with a good team, the level of the rivals ... ". With this message Nadal joins the celebration of Movistar, who put together this campaign to thank its users.