Carlsberg celebrates Liverpool's sixth UEFA Champions League

Carlsberg celebrates Liverpool's sixth UEFA Champions League

The obtaining of Liverpool in Madrid continues giving what to speak. Lifting the sixth UEFA Champions League, the English team returned to writing golden pages in its long history and returned to the forefront of international football.

But beyond everything that happened on the green lawn, the title continues to generate actions outside it. Just one of the brands linked to Liverpool presented a very particular action, as Carlsberg launched a pack recalling each of the English achievements.

Under the slogan "The best six-pack in the world? Probably "(The best pack in the world? Probably), Carlsberg presented an activation that goes directly to the hearts of Liverpool fans, who can buy it in the supermarket shelves as well as in the different points of sale of the brand.


What an achievement. Congratulations Liverpool FC! #sixtimes ????????

Una publicación compartida de Carlsberg (@carlsberg) el 1 Jun, 2019 a las 1:57 PDT