Puma presents its link with Palmeiras

Puma presents its link with Palmeiras

After 12 years of uninterrupted link, Palmeiras breaks his link with adidas to sign technical sponsorship contract with his historical rival (for his German closeness and family ties), Puma. With the beginning of 2019 just around the corner, the German multinational founded by Rudolf Dassler decided to launch an advance of the new shirt just one day of the change of year. With a shocking video of worldwide importance, the social networks of Puma International became green. This video presentation caused a stir among the fans and anxiously awaited the arrival of 2019 to be able to approach the official stores and buy the new clothing of the Paulistas that will be on sale from January 3.

With a modern rhythm and the best Brazilian rap, Puma decided to quickly represent the history of the club and the green blood that runs through the veins of true fans who expect a 2019 full of glory. Under the slogan "Green is the only color they can not stand" (Green is the only color that "they" can not stand), the brand tries to align itself with the rich history of the institution but always maintaining its concept of "New Levels "(New levels).


No longer the color of hope. Green is the color of envy. @Palmeiras ???????? #VerdeÉaCorDaInveja #NewLevels pic.twitter.com/IuvdFyhvVi

— PUMA Football (@pumafootball) 1 de enero de 2019