Paris Saint-Germain players will move in sustainable vehicles

Paris Saint-Germain players will move in sustainable vehicles

Paris Saint-Germain signed a long-term agreement with the French company Gaussin, which will grant a fleet of electric vehicles for the next sports city that PSG will have. The Parisian team is carrying out a project to have the first sustainable training center, which will open in 2022.

The "smart city", as it was dubbed by the club, is gradually taking shape and Gaussin will be responsible for transporting the players and employees of the club within the sports center. The French company stands out for the custom manufacturing of 100% electric vehicles.

"Paris Saint-Germain wants to promote sustainable development as one of its brand values and connect with the aspirations of new generations and collaboration with Gaussin allows us to reinforce this commitment," confessed Juan-Claude Blanc, deputy general manager of the club.




Photo: Courtesy

Source: La Jugada Financiera