“#OjoAlDatoInterbank”, the Interbank campaign with Mister Chip awarded in Peru

As every year, IAB Peru held the IAB MIXX Awards that reward digital advertising campaigns. Taking into account the actions carried out between January 1, 2018 and January 1, 2019, the festival had a jury of notables linked to the digital world and that of creative agencies.

Among the seventeen prizes awarded, Interbank won the "Use of Influencers" award. Rewarding its “#OjoAlDatoInterbank” campaign, it was attended by Alexis Tamayo “Mister Chip” during the development of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Taking advantage of Peru's return to a World Cup, Interbank joined Mister Chip to give its followers a unique experience. From the hand of the data that characterize the influencers, the bank managed to obtain an important interaction during the development of the World Cup.