MoraBanc, new main sponsor of FC Andorra de Piqué

MoraBanc, new main sponsor of FC Andorra de Piqué

The business figure of Gerad Piqué continues to grow day by day. Making several investments, some related to football and others not, the central office of Barcelona extends the presence of its Kosmos company. With Asian investors and a strategic partner such as Leonel Messi, the company signed a very important sponsorship for one of its institutions, FC Andorra.

The bank MoraBanc, will be the main sponsor of the club for the next ten years. Signing the first major sponsorship since Piqué has been in charge of this project, FC Andorra starts to give economic returns, despite being in the First Catalan Division.

In the presentation of the sponsorship, Lluís Alsina, general director of MoraBanc mentioned: "with this project and with Kosmos we share values ​​and the will to create a project that delights the people of Andorra. We are a growing bank, and with projects like this we want to continue contributing to generate opportunities for the country. "

Source: LaJugadaFinanciera