McDonald's launches its limited-edition World Cup burgers

McDonald's launches its limited-edition World Cup burgers

McDonald's, digital sponsor of the Argentine Football Association, presents a World Cup menu inspired by flavors that travel the world. The proposal includes hamburgers from McArgentina, McFrance and McJapan. The launch is inspired by three countries that hosted the World Cup. Each one has something outstanding from their country: Argentina has chimichurri mayonnaise, France has the traditional dijon mustard and Japan has a teriyaki sauce. In addition, this selection is completed with a Belgian Mc Flurry, a dessert with vanilla ice cream, chocolate cookies and a special sauce.

“This is a very special year for Argentines: the World Cup arouses passions and generates all kinds of feelings. Food for us is fundamental because it usually goes through the most important moments of our day to day and the World Cup is no exception. We decided to share unique recipes - from countries whose ingredients are highly valued by Argentines - to accompany the preview of what will undoubtedly be the time of the year”, says María Victoria Fernández Acuña, Sr Marketing Manager at Arcos Dorados Argentina.