Asics will dress the Olympic and Paralympic team of Japan with recycled clothing

Asics will dress the Olympic and Paralympic team of Japan with recycled clothing

Just one year and a few months before the start of an Olympic event, Tokyo 2020 continues to work to host the first sustainable and ecological Olympic Games in history. But this work is not only for the organizers, since Asics (gold sponsor in the sporting goods category) decided to launch its project Asics Reborn Wear Project (ARWPJ) to dress the Olympic and Paralympic team in Japan with recycled clothing. To get the raw material, the local brand plans to collect around 30,000 articles of sportswear used in its stores, in other sports stores and sporting events.

The fibers collected in the drawers arranged by the brand, will be reusable to make the official clothing of the local team. In order to internalize the donor, the boxes where the garments are deposited include a two-dimensional bar code that allows users to access a dedicated website, to know where the donation is in the process, to receive information on the progress of the donation. garments and information related to Tokyo 2020.

Photo: Courtesy