Kappa was champion for the first time in Argentine soccer

Kappa was champion for the first time in Argentine soccer

fter more than 50 years, Racing fans can shout champion twice in less than five years. After obtaining the title of 2014, the team led by Eduardo "Chacho" Coudet was champion of the Superliga Argentina de Fútbol 2019. The covers of the Argentine newspapers will remain with a great sports team but in Marca en Zona, we see beyond and we are left with the first Kappa title in our football. The Italian brand belonging to Distrinando, landed two years ago at The Academy with the strategy put in to give back to that support to the fans with the shirt and be able to get into the fight of the big brands.

Another of the great curiosities of the championship obtained by Kappa and Racing, goes through the years that passed to change technical sponsor to become champion. After the achievement achieved in 1966 (53 years), the teams that achieved the titles of 2001 and 2014 were dressed by Topper. Racing is partying and together with all the fans, the businessmen who decided to trust in a new leadership mentality of Racing with Victor Blanco at the helm and a Marketing Department that stands out day by day.

Photo: Courtesy