Cachamai dresses in light blue and white for the World Cup

Cachamai dresses in light blue and white for the World Cup

Cachamai presents its limited edition of yerba variants under the official license of AFA: Serrana Herbs with Cedrón, Mild Traditional Yerba, Digestive Tea, Clásico and Mate Cocido. This with the aim of being faithful to his career and accompanying the Argentines in the World Cup with little time left. Each item will be available with three different collectible designs with QR codes for the consumer to participate in for prizes and surprises


“Soccer and mate are two passions that go hand in hand in the lives of Argentines, we are very proud to be able to present our products wearing the colors of the National Team thanks to this agreement that allows us to enhance the AFA license. In this way, we continue to accompany the mate lovers who have been choosing us for more than 70 years and we get closer to the new generations,” said Patricia Monkowski, Marketing Director of the Argentine brand.