Nike retains the Men's and Women's World Cup

Nike retains the Men's and Women's World Cup

The United States and the Netherlands will define the Women's World Cup. The US team reached its sixth final, being champion four times. Meanwhile the Europeans will be in the decisive match for the first time.

Parc Olympique Lyonnais is the stage that will host this final, which already has a winner, Nike. The American brand will once again obtain the World Cup for the second year in a row, given that in 2015 the United States achieved the title. Being the company that more teams dressed (14 selections), the Oregon company closes an ideal World Cup.

But if we extend further the interference that Nike had at the level of selections, both male and female, the American brand retains the two most important competitions in FIFA. Hand in hand with the United States or Holland and France last year, the company managed to impose its "pipe" on top of world football.

This is the first time that Nike manages to keep the women's and men's World Cup at the same time. Taking into account that the women's competition is disputed one year later than the men's competition, only Adidas had been able to keep both World Cups (1990 Germany and 1991 United States, 2010 Spain and 2011 Japan).