At Casa Amarilla, Huawei organized its Match Day

At Casa Amarilla, Huawei organized its Match Day

Everyone who is a fan of soccer and has failed to fulfill his dream of professionally playing, he has a desire to feel a professional soccer player, even for a few hours. At Casa Amarilla, Huawei allowed a large group of customers to convert that fantasy in reality thanks to their Match Day action.

But the action not only remained in the meetings but the teams had three luxury technicians; Alfia "Coco" Basile, Héctor "Bambino" Veira y Mauricio "Chico" Serna. The luxury guests shared anecdotes, knowledge and their soccer look, in front of the careful look of the clients who tried to shape all these knowledge in the green lawn.

Zone in Zona collaborated with the presence of "Coconut" and "Bambino" in the Match Day and also portrayed with their cameras how they lived this unique experience of the brand members. Also with Denise Sommerfeld, Marketing Director of Huawei Argentina, we reviewed how the year was for the company that is strongly betting in the Argentine market and how this action was born.