The champion sack
The champion sack

The champion sack

On Sunday, the Avellaneda Cylinder dressed up. Closing the last meeting of the Superliga, the racinguista family lived its champion party. With many lights and emotional videos, Racing Club honored players and coaching staff, who raised the cup before the thousands of fans.

To carry out this party, Racing needed the support of its sponsors. Just one of them, Giorgio Redaelli, who said present with the making of a champion sack for Eduardo Coudet. As in the Masters of Augusta de Golf, the technician dressed up and received a distinction that only Juan José Pizzutti had obtained.

With the legend "Honorary Technical Director", the brand dressed up Coudet in an unprecedented action in our football. But the "Chacho" not only went with this bag, but like the players and the rest of the coaching staff, they received a champion ring. The same will be purely and exclusively for them and no replicas will be made.