"Rutina", Powerade's new campaign for the national team

"Rutina", Powerade's new campaign for the national team

The combined men and women of Argentina continue with their dreams of cupping in Brazil and France, respectively. With two completely opposite realities, the fanaticism and passion generated by the blue and white shirt is the same for both.

This fury that causes to see the national coat within the green lawn, is taken advantage of by the marks to look for loyalty with the fanatics. Such is the case of Powerade, official hydratador of AFA, that presented the campaign "routine". Seeking that the followers of the selection leave behind their daily routine and engage in a sporting habit, the brand created various actions so that the spot arrives at all the fans.

"As official hydrators of the Argentine National Team, from Powerade we are very happy to accompany both teams in this special year, and inspire all of them to challenge their routine and boost their performance with the energy necessary to continue ", Affirmed Federico Rolando, Portfolio Senior Marketing Manager of Coca-Cola Argentina.