Boca 12.0, the largest digital stadium in Argentina

Boca 12.0, the largest digital stadium in Argentina

Connectivity is no longer a minor event in the football stadiums of Argentina. Being one of the most criticized items by journalists and the public, accessing a court in our country and not being able to communicate with anyone during your stay, it begins to be a horror novel that already has an end.

Through own investment and agreement with companies that provide connectivity services, the Argentine groups continue to innovate in this area and seek to make the experience of attending the stadium complete. One of these examples will be given this weekend, when Boca receives Unión at the Bombonera, and the xeneize set offers free Wi-Fi for the first time.

The experience "Boca 12.0" will give the Bombonera the label of "largest digital stadium in Argentina." To achieve this, the xeneize club made a significant investment in the modernization of a new fiber optic network and the placement of more than 250 high-density ruckus. In these devices, between 400 and 800 fans can connect and enjoy free Wi-Fi.

This is the first stage of this ambitious project, since in a second stage there will be the making of an app as an exclusive medium for the xeneize world. In it they will have access to exclusive content as well as to perform administrative actions referred to the club as the payment of the social quota. Meanwhile, the third phase will be the installation of 50 high-tech LED screens, to give fans a special experience as well as being a signage space for brands.