River has 23 months as the Argentine club with the most interactions in networks

River has 23 months as the Argentine club with the most interactions in networks

We have often said that the new playing field for clubs is social media. Having the possibility of reaching millions of fans with just one click, generating content, both for your fans and not, is key to positioning yourself in this 3.0 world.

In the case of Argentina, for 23 months, River maintains great power with its peers. According to the medium Deporte & Finanzas, Núñez's club is the Argentine club with the most interactions during all this time. Far behind is Boca Juniors, who watches the millionaire from below occupying second place.

Beyond the fact that River has more interaction, Boca remains the club with the most followers. In the case of Twitter and Instagram, where the study was carried out, the xeneize group has 3.9 million and 5 million followers, respectively, on each social network. Meanwhile, the millionaire has 3.4 million and 4.2 million followers.


Source: Deporte & Finanzas