P&G contributes US $ 529 thousand to help close the salary gap in football

P&G contributes US $ 529 thousand to help close the salary gap in football

Tetrachampeonas of the FIFA world, four times Gold Medal and one Silver in the Olympic Games and eight CONCACAF Women's World Cup titles, are some of the sports achievements of the United States women's soccer team. Despite the number of titles achieved, the salary gap with the men's team continues to be very marked by the Federation. Thanks to the last world-wide conquest in France and the exhibition of the referents of the establishment, one of the main sponsors decided "to be of the correct side of the history" (as they emphasize in their communiqué).

Procter & Gamble has chosen to take advantage of the situation and through a full-page announcement in the Sunday editions of the New York Times, announced the donation of US $ 529 thousand for the champion squad with the aim of sending a message direct to the Federation and narrow the wage gap with males (each of the 23 players will receive 23 thousand dollars). "Let's take advantage of this moment of celebration to promote women's sports ... We urge the US Soccer Federation. UU to be a beacon of strength and to end gender wage inequality once and for all "signaled the advertising of the Secret by P & G deodorant.

Photo: Courtesy