Nissan expands its sponsorship in American university sports

Nissan expands its sponsorship in American university sports

There is no doubt that American football and basketball are the two most popular sports in North America but through them, young people seek to grow both personally and professionally and try with sports merits, get a University Scholarship. The academic sport in the United States moves millions of people and it is there that companies pose their eyes to empower them. More than a decade ago, Nissan reached an agreement with the NCAA for the support of college football but in recent days, they have jointly announced the extension of the link to add the project to basketball.

As it transpired, the agreement began last Sunday with Nissan's strong presence on television and broadcast, with advertising on breaks, statistics and will have vignettes throughout the season. The brand also promises several activations in Atlanta, home of the men's Final Four, the final of the tournament, in April 2020. "Through our sponsorship of the Heisman Trophy, Nissan has been synonymous with college football for more than a decade, and Now we are taking advantage of this momentum to expand our commitment to another university sports icon. There are few things more exciting than March Madness (March madness, the month where the championships are defined) ”said Allyson Witherspoon, Nissan vice president of marketing for the United States.

Photo: Courtesy
Source: Do Esporte Machine