Nike presents the new boots "Time 8"

Nike presents the new boots "Time 8"

The evolution of the footwear of soccer in the last decade has varied constantly. From the search for ultra-light boots to models with a precise middle and grip, the brands aim to meet the demands of professional and amateur footballers.

In order to comply with the changes requested by the players and based on new trends in technology and design, Nike presents the "Time 8". Redesigning its mythical line "Time", which has more than 25 years in the market, the American brand bet on a footwear that gives the possibility to players to use it in "any terrain".

One of the modifications that professional and amateur players will find is the type of grip of the foot as well as a special texture on the outside of the booty. Having two models, one dark and one white, Nike made the worldwide launch of the hand of Ronaldinho. The Brazilian star, who is not active professionally, is still one of the main stars of the brand, with a very important flow of followers.