LaLiga promotes the platform "The Heroes of Today"

LaLiga promotes the platform "The Heroes of Today"

The first short film released by the platform is set in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin and shows the experiences of the black sportsman during his journey to the mythical Olympic Stadium, as well as reflecting the strong racial discrimination that still continues to suffer in our days. The world of sport. Paradoxically, the harsh words used by the protagonists are not only from that time, but were taken from different twitts of recent months. The racial discrimination is right on the surface in every area of ​​life but LaLiga, together with different companies, decided to take the reins and create "".

On the platform, users can find stories of real heroes, citizens and individuals who tell and share stories of their lives, learning and all kinds of experiences. In addition, from there the user will have access to social projects and NGOs with which they can collaborate.

Photo: Courtesy