Hyundai and Kia renew their sponsorship with FIFA

Hyundai and Kia renew their sponsorship with FIFA

The sponsorship dating from 1999 will continue in force. After the first signing that covered 13 tournaments, including the 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup, the sponsorship has been renewed several times and since 2010 with an extended bond. Occupying the status of official partner, Hyundai and Kia renewed their support for FIFA and will continue until 2030.


The subsidiaries of Hyundai Motor Group, which not only occupy the mentioned space within the sponsors but also, thanks to their strategic partners around the world, give FIFA the possibility of having official vehicles, will not be the only ones in this renovation because they also Boston Dynamics and Supernal are added. The first is linked to the robotics area and the second to the development of air vehicles.

The signing of the sponsorship extension took place at the FIFA offices in Zurich with the presence of the president of the Federation that regulates world football (Gianni Infantino) and the president of Hyundai Motor Group (Karl Kim). In said act, the president of the sports entity mentioned: “We are delighted to extend our association with Hyundai and Kia. We appreciate the dedication with which both companies have dedicated themselves to enriching our competitions and the unwavering commitment to FIFA that they have shown over the years. In this new era that is beginning, we are excited about the possibilities that open up with the incorporation of Boston Dynamics and Supernal into the agreement. Together we will continue working to unite the world through football”.