FIFA 20 joins the campaign against racism

FIFA 20 joins the campaign against racism

After the racist insults that the players of the English national soccer team received in Bulgaria, the Premier League began with a campaign to fight against racism. This movement led EA Sports to support the initiative through its FIFA 20 video game.

“No Room For Racism” is the slogan with which the Premier League and FIFA 20 carry out this awareness campaign. This support of EA Sports to the English league is given by the sponsorship of the video game developer with the Premier.

The matches played on October 27 will be made with a special ball that has the campaign slogan inscribed. This ball was already used last Saturday in what was the date after the friendly between England and Bulgaria, where these events took place against the English players.

On the side of FIFA 20, users can join the cause by dressing their teams with a special set, which bears the emblem emblem of the movement and will have the EA Sports and Premier League logos. In addition, the stadiums will reproduce messages on the billboards recreated by the game.




Photo: Courtesy

Source: La Jugada Financiera