'Campeones': Quilmes launches a special edition to honor Argentina's world championship

'Campeones': Quilmes launches a special edition to honor Argentina's world championship

Almost two months after the Argentine triumph in Qatar and as the closing of its World Cup campaign, Quilmes launches a new limited edition so that an entire country can continue celebrating the championship obtained in Qatar. The tribute version includes different formats and labels, all ideal for collecting.
The can reflects 36 matches that unite the three World Cups won by Argentina, some of which were part of the commercial launched in October and others that were added as the Selection progressed through the phases. Also, the names of all the players and coaching staff of the national team appear to forever capture in can format a thank you to the champion team. For its part, the disposable porrón and 1-liter bottle have a Quilmes Clásica label to which are added the three stars in reference to the three World Cups won by Argentina: 1978, 1986 and the last one in 2022, and a slogan about coincidences and the team.

For the Quilmes brand director, Pepe Sayús, "we more than met all the expectations we had with the Coincidencias campaign, with a limited edition that invited us to dream and with a commercial like "Quilmes' propaganda" that went viral in a way remarkable; all the fans joined in discovering and looking for new world matches. And we wanted to close it in the best way, with a new collectible tin that will go down in history with the names of our heroes engraved and a version with the three stars, to continue toasting this long-awaited triumph with all Argentines.”

The Quilmes 'Campeones' edition can be found in points of sale throughout the country, including supermarkets, self-service stores, warehouses, and the Ta Dá ecommerce platform.