Quilmes launched a special can to accompany the illusion of the Argentines in this World Cup

Quilmes launched a special can to accompany the illusion of the Argentines in this World Cup

Quilmes launched its new limited edition can with an exclusive and original design developed by the renowned artist Emiliano Renzi, with images that allude to some of the events that occurred in the 1986 World Cup, and which coincidentally are repeated in this year. . In this proposal, the brand invites fans to discover different coincidences between the 1986 and 2022 editions that they will find in the cans and bottles.


Some of the illustrations are of clocks, since the end of the year 86 was at 12 noon, just as it is agreed for this edition. Another reference is the leaves, because the Canadian National Team returned to the highest soccer championship between countries, the last appearance being 36 years ago. These are just a few examples to be discovered by fans among many more coincidences.


“We are about to experience something long waited for everyone, such as a World Cup, a World Cup. And as always, we want to accompany the fans in this special moment full of passion and emotion, to make it a unique experience. To Argentines, football makes us believe and that feeds our illusion. From Quilmes we seek to continue spreading this illusion to all the fans, becoming one more fan who believes even in the most incredible things; he wants to convey the joy and enthusiasm of football”, highlighted Pepe Sayús, director of the Argentine company.