Adidas and Real Madrid are preparing to extend their bond for a millionaire sum
Adidas and Real Madrid are preparing to extend their bond for a millionaire sum

Adidas and Real Madrid are preparing to extend their bond for a millionaire sum

The 1998-1999 season marked the return of Adidas to Real Madrid. After its passage between 1980 and 1985, the German brand opted for the European giant to consolidate its presence in world football. Today to 21 years of that return, the link could continue for many years with the renewal that would be signed in the coming months.

1,600 million euros would be the millionaire sum that would allow the extension of the link. For about 120 million annually for 12 years, the German brand does not want to lose one of its main teams and that is why it would sign the highest agreement in the history of world football. Betting on the globalization that Real Madrid has today, Adidas knows that its association with the club generates millions of revenues and thinking of the institution with another brand, today seems utopian.

One of the most important items of this renovation would be the possibility that Adidas has its own store in the "Nuevo Santiago Bernabéu". Looking to expand the loyalty that has with the fans but especially betting on the thousands of visitors who go through the facilities of the club every month; the brand would sign a global spectrum agreement that benefits both parties.