“We have more followers on social networks than many Super League teams”

“We have more followers on social networks than many Super League teams”

Sparks surprised their own and others, when in the middle of the dispute of the First C went to the court dressed as superheroes. A "madness" devised by forward Eduardo Dos Santos, which today became the new business unit of the Villa Soldati club.

Pablo Turiaci, Community Manager and Marketing of Sacachispas, is the person behind the social networks of the club, who managed to take the "crazy" of the players to the court 3.0: "A bit of chance is born. We began to use social networks in a particular way when we were in First C. At the same time we were lucky that we had a very good team that rose with the follies of masks and costumes. We had a lot of repercussion. We appeared in a newspaper, on TV, and we were happy. After unwittingly we were in a snowball that anything we put or anything we told about our reality became very widespread and everywhere. People began to follow us, much more than the one that enters our field. And we realized that the way to show the club was this ”.

He currently has 73,000 followers on Twitter and 60,000 on Instagram, the numbers positions them among the most followed clubs in Argentina. “We have more followers than eight Super League clubs. At one time we were above Banfield, Hurricane, Arsenal, top teams. Today, among the twenty most popular social media teams in Argentina we are there, ”said Turiaci in Marca in Zona Radio.

As for the new business unit that was generated by the interactions that Sacachispas has, Turiaci told us how the brands arrived: “The first one that approached, with respect to 100% to social networks was the company Assistravel. We had dropped a sponsor a few days after the tournament and at a time of crisis where the dollar did not stop rising, it occurred to me to say 'You don't have to bet on the dollar, you have to bet on the club'. They saw the tweet and approached. Then came other companies that are not even in the field of football, but the strawberry of dessert was the people of Quilmes who invited us to the World Cup (I went with two players). We all offer a combo of nets and t-shirts, and that makes smaller brands come closer to be surrounded by the big ones. ”

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