The new Quilmes 0.0 accompanied the fans in El Superclásico

The new Quilmes 0.0 accompanied the fans in El Superclásico

After the arrival of Quilmes 0.0 at the Más Monumental stadium, with the match between River and Independiente, and at La Bombonera with Boca and Racing, beer was now part of the most outstanding match of the weekend: the Superclásico.

The brand appears again in Argentine soccer stadiums as in 2022 and will accompany fans from all over the country, who will be able to enjoy a non-alcoholic beer while watching the matches.

“We are very happy as a brand to accompany the fans again and to continue being part of the Argentine passions with our non-alcoholic variety. The arrival of Quilmes 0.0 on the pitches is another reflection of our commitment to popular culture and sport, which has given us so much joy this past year," remarked Daniela Fux, Quilmes brand manager. “For the second year, we are going to be present in the main stadiums of the local tournament, cheering along with the public and toasting Argentine soccer,” she added.