Telecom will provide connectivity to the Kempes Sports Center

Telecom will provide connectivity to the Kempes Sports Center

Telecom and the Córdoba Sports Agency reached an agreement to implement state-of-the-art communications and connectivity solutions at the Kempes Sports Complex, including the stadium. The link was signed by the lieutenant governor Manuel Calvo; the president of the Agency, Héctor Campana; and the Director of International Operations of Telecom, Fernando Cravero.

"In this way, Telecom becomes a strategic technological partner of the Córdoba Sports Agency, to provide the best service experience to all visitors who attend the Mario Alberto Kempes Stadium and the Kempes Sports Pole," the company said in a statement. .

Telecom will provide mobile connectivity of the Personal 4G network to those who attend the Kempes Sports Complex and a high-speed network so that photographers and accredited media can transmit the information during the coverage of events at the venue. The Flow service and Telecom's streaming platform will also be available.