Rome acquires the commercialization of its products

Rome acquires the commercialization of its products

The whole of the capital of Italy, achieved a very important agreement for their finances. Acquiring the commercialization of its products, Rome returns to manage that commercial area after remaining with the company AS Roma Merchandising.

The purchase of this company is just its current technical sponsor, Nike, who founded it to be in charge of marketing the products of Rome. Being an area that can give millions and millions of revenues to the club, the decision to return to manage it is a clear example that the expansion of the brand "Rome" does not need an intermediary company but only for what generates the institution.

The person in charge of this aerial will be Francesco Calvo, a manager who had his passage by Barcelona, ​​when the Catalan club chose to take this same average (half of last year). Having experience in the contracts that the Catalans had with Nike, the new Director of Revenues of Rome will have the challenge of turning his air into one of the most profitable of the club.