Louis Vuitton designed the trunk for the League of Legends World Cup

Louis Vuitton designed the trunk for the League of Legends World Cup

The fashion brand Louis Vuitton designed the trunk that will contain the Summoner's Cup, which will be handed over to the League of Legends World champion. For the first time the French company is linked to electronic sports and partnered with video game developer Riot Games, who organize the international competition.

League of Legends is the most played video game in the world and every year it gets more fans that follow all the competitions linked to the LOL. Every year Riot Games organizes the world cup of this discipline. The group stages in Berlin begin on October 2. Then, the quarterfinals will be held in Madrid, while the semifinals and the final will be played in Paris. It will be in the French capital where the champion will receive the Summoner's Cup and Louis Vuitton's trunk to keep it. The final of the 2018 edition had more than 200 million viewers worldwide and through different platforms.

Vuitton is the first fashion brand that designs this type of trunk for a trophy of an eSports tournament. In addition, clothing company and Riot Games will present a collection of clothing and leather goods inspired by the World League of Legends.

“This is a historic collaboration that represents the impact of Riot Games and League of Legends on the industry during nine eSports seasons. We want to welcome the Louis Vuitton brand to our sport. We are excited to share the true scope of the collaboration in the coming months. Especially on November 10, when the Summoner's Cup is delivered to Paris, ”said Naz Aletaha Director of sponsorships for Riot Games.




Photo: Courtesy

Source: La Jugada Financiera