CONMEBOL resends financial aid

CONMEBOL resends financial aid

The coronavirus pandemic maintains its restrictions in South America. Some countries maintain a rigorous quarantine and others lighter. But the common denominator is economic standing and the impossibility of generating new resources.

Knowing this reality and looking for the Associations that make up CONMEBOL to carry this pandemic in the best way, he decided to send a new financial aid. The ten Confederations will receive $ 600,000, of which 200,000 will be used for the purchase of COVID-19 tests and the remaining 400,000 for free use.

This financial aid is added to the one that CONMEBOL made weeks ago. It amounts to $ 79,000,000 and is distributed among the $ 55,000,000 advanced to clubs, the $ 10,000,000 advanced from Copa América to the different Member Associations, and the additional 14 million corresponding to the Evolution Funds.