"We have visualized between sub15 and sub20, more than 60 players who are abroad"
Fernando Batista went through Marca in Zona Radio, analyzing the present of the youth selected from Argentina
"We had many fears to come to Orlando, but what MLS did is impressive"
Carlos Roa went through Marca in Zona Radio
"Goyco was very present during the winemaking"
Guillermo Pinto, creator of “Heroyco 30 years (tribute to Sergio Goycochea came), passed by Marca in Zona Radio
"The Granate Store is my great pride"
Paula Ricciuti, Marketing Manager at Lanús, went through Brand in Zona Radio
McDonald´s adds to the solidarity actions of football clubs
By donating more than 19 kilos of food, the company is linked to the initiatives of sports institutions to help those who have the least
"At AMDA we started working on something at the Latin American level"
Matías Cecileo, president of AMDA, went through Marca in Zona Radio
"Qatar is going to surprise with the World Cup, a lot of work is being done"
Ulises Pascua, footballer for Qatar's Al-Kharaitiyat, told us how the country is preparing for the 2022 World Cup and what Arab soccer is like
Bookmakers will have no place in Spanish football
In the next season, the Iberian groups will not be able to add sponsors linked to this item and those who already have it must unsubscribe, as Osasuna has just done.